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AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am News: Wyndham Clark Shines Amid Weather Challenges

The AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am faced an unexpected twist as weather conditions forced tournament officials to reschedule the fourth round. With up to 37 million people at risk for life-threatening floods due to the season’s most potent storm, safety became a top priority.

Originally set to tee-off at 10:45 a.m. on Sunday, the round was postponed due to persistent high winds that posed risks to players and spectators alike. Despite the rain expected to dissipate later in the day, the decision prioritized safety, leading to the rescheduling of Round 4 to Monday.

Wyndham Clark emerged as a notable figure in the tournament, showcasing resilience amid the challenging weather conditions. The golfer’s performance added an exciting element to the competition, capturing the attention of golf enthusiasts.

As the AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am unfolds, golf fans are eagerly anticipating the continuation of the tournament and witnessing how the weather challenges will influence the players’ strategies and outcomes. Stay tuned for further updates on this prestigious event, where golf meets nature’s unpredictable forces.

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